

Journey into the Mind
Imagine a World within a World, within another World. Where consciousness of a different kind only comes to those it chooses. 90% of Humans cannot comprehend the fact that Buddha, and many others that have attained enlightenment have done so after decades upon decades of Meditation and Fasting. Fasting is to the mind as Personal Pain and Anguish to the epiphanies of your Soul. As does the Suffering Artist gains insight upon their Art form. Allowing their sight to be just that much more indepth. And when the "Eureka" idea comes, it only takes form into the Rabbit Hole in which a staggering possible 10% of Humans can take emotionally and spiritually. For those that come close to insanity, and are able to walk out the Rabbit Hole are never the same again. For the understanding that Death is only the beginning is merely the doorway to the afterlife. So, shall your journey begin. To descend or ascend is literally in your hands. And when the afterlife is aware of your understanding, does your life here begin to bend and contort. Is it your mind playing tricks on you? Or is there really Shadows that do not play well with others? The shadow realm has not been proven by science, yet nobody lifts their eyes to the fact of witnessing. The slippery slope of sight is a science not spoken of. For if you do.... Just how far does the rabbit hole go down?
© Dale A Martinez