

Language Foul
Fuck and duck are quite often confused
Yet one's a bird not frequently mused
And the other a right swipe— a match
Hope the reference there you did catch

But I do see where their flights cross paths
I crunched the numbers— I did the maths
The tally may make you drop your jowl
I found it to be a language foul

That's right— fuck and duck are both fowl talk
Although one is a dance— a bed rock
Wink, wink, wink— giving the boots a knock
The other quacks and waddles to walk

I now know where the confusion lies
Enough that I will hypothesize
That AI can't tell it's fouls apart
There, I spilled the beans— spilled the tea cart

Folks— foul and fowl are far from the same
Don't let AI ruin your good name
By getting your fucks and ducks perplexed
Ya'll be careful— spellcheck that foul text

#spellcheck #autorcorrect #wordplay #rhyme
© danie_af