

Divine Intervention
DISCLAIMER: Before you read this, I respect each religion, follow your beliefs. I only write this as away to process my frustration in meeting certain followers of God that used their belief as a weapon to hurt others feelings. That being said, please read on, remember that each religion is important and is special in their own way, do not let harsh people darken your view. Enjoy.

In the realm of gods and men, a question arose,
"Why, Lord Zeus, do Christians our ways oppose?"

Thunder roared, akin to a Chimera's cry in the sky,
Zeus's voice thundered, "Blinded by verbatim, they rely."

Verbatim, the adverb that mirrors the original's light,
Zeus spoke, "Our teachings, not literal, guide in wisdom's flight,
For humans to learn, this truth they oft forget,
In understanding our ways, their hearts may reset."

In the realm of gods, the query did persist,
"What if their hearts resist the wisdom gist?"

Zeus's voice echoed, "In their bliss let them dwell,
No harm they'll bring, in their faith they'll quell.
Believe as written, their path they tread,
Truth's light shall find them, no soul misled."

© TheWritingsofApollo

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