

Bridge Of Ashes
There are no bridges from my shores.
I burned the all so I can't be explored.
I'm here, alone, on a desert island,
My personal insane asylum.

There are those who brave the open sea,
Between them and I, to check in on me,
My mind is rabid. Very Lord Of The Flies,
My defenses can raise in the blink of an eye.

I am a social castaway,
A self-imposed prison that Ican't escape.
How could I ever accept a rescue?
I've blasphemized my limited virtues.

On my own I've gained perspective.
An understanding that I should be selective,
Of those I allow in my place of peace.
The ones that can aid in my stresses release.

To build a new bridge, I have what I need,
Doesn't mean that I'm ready to face my release.
I've developed Stockholm syndrome, but luckily,
I'm the one that actually did kidnap me.

I've day ill rebuild a bridge to the world.
Let down my defenses. Let my sails be unfurled.
Till then this island is my emotional home,
It's safe and it's unattached to the unknown.

© The Moonlight Bard