

Every Reason
Every Reason

I was willing to fight for you
To go to battle for our love
But you gave me every reason
To doubt what I was fighting for

I defended you with all my heart
With words and actions, I stood strong
But you tore me down with your deception
Leaving me feeling lost and wronged

I thought our love was worth the struggle
That we could overcome any strife
But you showed me that your loyalty
Was as fickle as a blade of grass in the wind

I was willing to fight for us
But you left me standing alone
With wounds deep and bleeding
From the battle we should have won

So now I walk away from you
With scars etched upon my soul
Knowing that I gave my all
But you were never willing to take the fall

I was willing to fight for you, for us
But now I see that our love was just a mirage
And I must let go of the dream
And find a new path to embark.

© cynfully