

Whispers nine.....
You made a beautiful remark in a powerful whisper.
Taking my hand and taking me into the darkness in search of a brighter tomorrow.
I'm holding them, I'm encasing them in my arms.
Never giving up…
The echoes could be heard on the ninth heaven of the whispers and the whistle .
With thunder rose he ,
What a giant was he ! when my eyes , jaws , all shudder together .
" Dad you are back " spoke the damsel in a whispering tone
The whistle , the whistle but the whistle stood mum .
The promises of better tomorrow, got buried some .
With pomp and show trumpet blow but with whisper spoke he (dad)
Thus is the seventh Heaven, I hope you can see .
Jumping and hopping over clouds forming rainbows over seven seas ,
The flights of fantasy are being encased in the heart for whistle to see .
(Here whispers and whistle are the names of beloved)
So , my dear doll with a pause spoke he
The world holds the future band of love ,
So , let the world see .