

Walking amongst the trees, standing tall-
With head high, touching the sky.
Stepped on something fragile that snapped,
A rotten seed, hollow inside.
Perhaps it belonged to some summer fruit,
Scattered aplenty over the vicinity.
The warmth hardly grazed that damp ground,
Lacking the light that leaves sieved out.
The land felt soggy from moisture that filled;
Eventually choking that young life.

Found yet another at quite a scorched place
Solid and seemed pretty healthy.
Determined to save this neglected soul,
Planted in a better open terrain.
Showered it with proper attention,
Like a cherished treasure.
Remembering that time I lived a hermit
With none dragging me off that suffocation.
Luckily I pulled myself out, that terrible state,
Before transforming to a hollow shell.

© Furin