

Sad to look back at your past
I don't like it when people don't let things go I know learn from mistakes but I don't have to keep reminding us people and what we did in the past I get so offended on what people say I didn't in the past I get so offended when people better of me or when they judge me I feel so stupid when happens I know you can't change what happened in past but you can grow it but is hard some I react in a bad way when get offended by something and some people don't like that I don't know how I should react or what I say do when I am that situation sometimes I just want to ignore them and don't like when people laugh what you did in your past some times I feel humiliated or embarrassed when that happens to me I looking back saying did do that. Sometimes I bad on myself when I know have done better than what I did. Sometimes I feel down on myself when that happens and like thinking negative but that's how I feel sometimes