

She Never Returned.
She never returned, though the moon waxed anew
And darkness enveloped the earth once more.
As stars dotted the canvas of the night sky,
Whispers of longing danced upon the wind.

Her absence echoed through the empty halls,
Haunting the corners of forgotten memories.
Echoes of laughter, whispers of love,
Now faded into the depths of eternity.

Through the passage of time, days turned to nights,
And nights turned to moons, but still no sign of her.
A hollow ache consumed the depths of my soul,
As I yearned for her touch, her presence, her love.

I searched in each sunrise, the promise of hope,
And scoured the sunsets, seeking solace in their hues.
Yet, my heart yearned for the touch of her hand,
The warmth of her smile, the light in her eyes.

Now shattered dreams lie scattered like forgotten stars,
Against the backdrop of a lonely universe.
In the wake of her absence, my world turned cold,
A desolate wasteland devoid of life.

But still, hope flickers ever so faintly,
For the embers of love refuse to die.
In the deepest corners of my soul, a glimmer remains,
A testament to the love that once bloomed.

Though she never returned, and silence now dwells,
In the spaces she once occupied with grace,
Her memory lingers, imprinted on my soul,
A reminder of a love I shall forever chase.