

how lucky i am having you my beloved Fiance Tim
i never felt so lucky until i met you my beloved Tim Goodfellow as i never met anyone closer to my own person as some find hard to understand who i am and what i am about and there came you who was shy when we first met online slowly our love bloomed into fantasy and dreams had come true finally we had both wishes for , as there were times i never expected to meet anyone until you came into my life. the day it happened when i found you it took me by surprise as it did you my darling love as we have come so far from when we started and it may have taken good couple of years for our paths to cross and it was well worth in the end as we have one film of course of the film in question that brought us together and as re result we both found love and happiness as we been together long time now 4 years and in October be over a year our engagement since you asked me to marry you and I said yes! and one of two of my biggest dreams had come first meeting you and second us getting together long last and third I always wished for
as we made start of our love pledge to one another and being on start path new life as we will become new married couple once we ready for that to that my love as i promise to love cheris and look after you and I cant wait to Become your beautiful stunning bride to be as I walk towards you In front of all our two families from that day forth we forever joined in marriage to each other and
and you my beloved Tim you will be my beloved husband to be as we always call each other even when we dating and it our dreams darling coming together. as this been in our minds for couple of years now and finally my wishes have been granted i have always wishes and dreamed find my beloved man andi will get to share rest of my life with you we as always have and will look after you all family whom proud to call mine as you my man and all my family welcome you into fold and enjoy making new memories like we done last year and summer and more for winter i cant wait to become your mrs Goodfellow when time comes my love with all my heart we conquer the world. as king and queen and that how we shall be and to whatever our new life and future holds I love you always and forever your fiancee Stephanie.