

What cord has been struck
To make thee
Actions of a few
paint pictures in a different direction
Only leading too
Them not wanting to be
Around knowledge
But thee
stock is great and thee action
Is of strange
To know that in time
What season I am in now will
not always be my season
Yes I will became
A picture
Not someone to frame
as in a book or
a character
written out of many lives
which struck my violin
thee wrong way
By the static shock
flipped at me for them suffering
But if I don't walk in your circles
How can I ever do anything right
In your eyes
When I hear energy
expressed about what I am not doing
More then what I hear when
I do partake.
But for the life of me who
struck those cords
And made a bunch
Wanting my violin to end
So they don't here my cord end.
Or watch what good I do bring
to great mindsets
which always detail my ass
to death
As if I am to know
there disproval for my being
For every problem
I can not solve
to put my cords in there pockets
and they play without me all the time.
Just for a few
which don't think
That my violin
And my cords are important to
have me
Trying to feel the lemon
out the bottle
To taste nature away from
These are not how they used to be
before they stacked there chips
And the doors to more were open
Not slammed in the face every time
By people who want to make me
feel there lack of
No I was not put here on earth
for them To sit at my life
And crush me for living
Then run out the door
after they think
Interruptions are more important
Then a critical creator
of wisdom far beyond
There scope of infiltrate
An put down
To rise up who
I am only one violin
that can strike
many chords
Not begin to know
What you have in your scenes
which you want to play out
at my expense
And think that your rights
Should not be crossed by
Me in my violin
Where you continue
To be evil
And float around
The days of your root beer
sitting on the counter
Will be flat soon
And the bubbles
Will not float to be made
fun of
My 🎻 is not your
instrument which you
want to harass
By all your side jokes
which hit the floor
An just make background noise.

© lashes sullivan