

What words have not been etched into a blank page? What hasn't been the focus of intense complaints? Is there a diatribe that has caused a positive change? These are the questions that will be unanswered again. The ink in my pen has run dry, the battery on my device is going to die. This is one of the moments it is just life and I, starting at each other with third eyes. For a limited time. Small doses of engagement - in my mid age the brain has a light tolerance for things that do not entertain it. The space which I occupy is in need if attention, but mine is like a quick desolving tablet in a cup yet to runneth dry, making a mess that I will simply blend into and get high. Creativity won't judge me for the time spent getting acquainted with it or the means by which I developed comfort. It sees the production has value and appreciates I don't seek to capitalize. One more scribbled page equals one more day alive.
© Alien.S