

walk with me
under the beams of sunlight
on smooth waves of life
holding each others hands
on the melody we're unaware of
as we get lost in each other's eyes
merging into unstoppable love
that bruises the impossibilities
acknowledging our strength
binding hopelessness
unleashing will power
overcoming weaknesses
let's stroll
till nightfall
a second with you
is a lifetime of joy
in you I see we
a future generation
on a silver platter
as we make each other flutter
with romantic words and poems
of how nervous I was
the first time we met
never knew that one day
I will hold you in my arms
and make you mine
how beautiful it is
when you call out my name
it sound as though
a host of angels
melodically enchanting
beautiful words
I opp to find a place
where the sun don't set
so that I don't miss
not even a second passing
without seeing your smile
if I may
I would kneel before you
make you mine forever
and share everlasting bond
till death do us apart

© mariahashei