

Liberation of Sprit
The Path to Liberation

In the stillness of dawn, where silence speaks,
Lies the secret of mukti, for those who seek.
Beyond the veil of earthly ties,
Awaits the realm where the spirit flies.

Mukti, the freedom from life's endless chain,
Where the soul finds release from sorrow and pain.
Through wisdom's light and devotion's fire,
One transcends desires, rising higher and higher.

Enlightenment, a beacon bright,
Shatters the darkness, brings truth to light.
In the depths of meditation's calm,
One tastes the nectar of divine balm.

Moksha, the final resting place,
Where the soul merges with boundless grace.
No more the cycle of birth and death,
In the infinite, it takes a breath.

Through lifetimes of striving, the journey unfolds,
In the heart’s silence, the mystery holds.
Detach from the transient, embrace the divine,
In the oneness of being, we intertwine.

Let the mind be still, the heart be pure,
In the essence of truth, find the cure.
Mukti, Enlightenment, and Moksha’s door,
Open wide to the eternal shore.

With every step, with every prayer,
Feel the presence, the sacred air.
In the union of self with the cosmic sea,
Find the eternal, where you are free.