

The Gifts Left Unwrapped
For those born the gift of blindness
Need not the gift of sight.
They know not what darkness is,
As much as they know light.

For what road does thy step upon
When its absence holds divine right
Until the path reveals itself, withdrawn
From notepads whom we cherish to write

Our presence is a welcomed gift
Given to the unknown.
But those so opened is defined a rift
Abandoned by whom knowledge is owned

Alas our life a notepad
Curious as to what wed write
We open up and see weve wrote ourselves
As whoever we might be like

For knowledge owned and owed
Is a curse that of division.
So ignorance is the way we go
Blinded by excessive vision.

Aside thy gift of simply
Attainable through knowledge
Is thy gift complexity
Both wrapped to liberate bondage

To open and expand
The further reaches of nothing
Blinded by thy own hand
And end up seeing something

Is insanity to one
And a new road for another
But when its absence is everything
Theres nothing to discover