

My mind
My mind is my mind and nothing more.
For my kids my mind should lead to their progress.
My mind should help their eyes see past the concrete doors.
My mind will be all they have when my slumber is eternal.
My mind is controlled by my outlook.
Oh, the gifts we bestow upon our youth.
What of my mind has been clutched by my children?
How much did they breath when I poisoned the air around us?
My mind,
My mind is nothing but a lens.
It's as clear as it is tarnished.
It's as heavy as it is fragile.
It's been shattered and it's been mended.
It's my mind, my prison, and my health.
It's been forged but, a blade only meant for the young.
The blade that can only be sharpened by a mind that knew my mind.
It can only be felt when new eyes see through my filter.
When new eyes gaze upon what I never managed to see...
My mind was mine till I became theirs.
© Kasey Spotanski