

Life is hard
Life is hard but you have to work at it.
Making friends and having relationships.
New job and new career.
Moving house and getting packed for vacations.
It's all so stressful and sometimes find it hard to adjust to because of so much pressure.
But not all is lost because your not alone there is people out there who can help and support you in making life much easier and stress free.
Family, friends, social clubs, counselling what ever you need there's always someone around the corner to lend a helping hand. The world has good people in it we just need to give them a chance. I love to help people and care, be there I'm a friend you can trust and rely on, a shoulder to cry on and I get that too.

My life was never perfect in fact it fell apart I had no idea of life and was terrified to leave my room.
When I woke up in the morning I was hit, forced, bullied and abused. I was petrified, I couldn't escape until I was fourteen but it was a little too late the damage was done.
I landed up going through the care system damaged and still emotionally bullied by family. I always wanted a child at a very young age because I felt so alone in the world with no one I could trust until one day I met an amazing guy who I love more than anything and he opened my eyes to the truth but I have to stay with my family as they have something precious of mine which I will never get back, my son, I lost all thirteen years of his life because of my family and the care system losing all faith and trust in them but i found someone I could trust someone I could tell everything too and last night I broke his heart and can never undo my biggest regret of ending the relationship. I should trust him much more and keeping things bottled inside is no good it causes more problems it's like a volcano it starts bubbling until you can't take no more and explodes then you lose your one true love. Over my hard life I destroyed something beautiful. So no matter what once you find that perfect person hold on and never let them go. There's always someone out there for everyone to trust and go too. Don't let the volcano erupt stay calm and talk bottling problems up will only cause more pain to you and others around you. Your a kind and beautiful person at heart don't let the evil drag you down, stay stong, be happy and enjoy this beautiful journey on earth god gave to you. God bless x