

Borderline Personality Disorder
Oh, you want to be my favorite person,
You want me to be obsessed with you?
You want me to care, you want me to fight?
I’m warning you now that it’s a crazy ride.

My moods, they’ll swing faster than swings
One day, you’re the best and the next, well-
I don’t think you even want to know the answer
Because I might just picture your dead body

I won’t be able to breathe without you
It will feel as though I am suffocating
Alone time? No. Other Friends? Hell no.
It’s me and you ‘til the wheels fall off, baby

You better respond to my text immediately
Or I’ll think you’re mad and leaving me
I’ll spiral out of control if you don’t text me
When you make it back in from work

Why? Well, I’m certainly glad that you asked
I start sweating and my heart starts to race
I start to think about the worst possible outcome
Are you dead? Did you get into a bad wreck?

I told you I love you and I told you good night
Instead you only replied with a “Gn”
And now my mind starts to race once again
Because last night you told me you loved me too

Are your feelings changing towards me?
I knew you would leave me, just like everyone else
You read my message but did not reply
You said that you forgot, but I think that’s a lie

You want me obsessed with you?
You want to be my favorite, right?
I promise you’re not ready for that
So, please, just leave me alone

Leave me alone before I get too attached
I don’t want to bring you on this ride
I can be toxic, controlling and out of control
Your life isn’t just YOUR LIFE anymore

It’s mine, too!
© Tweety’s Poetry