


In twilight hush, where shadows dance and play,
A world of wonder, beyond mortal day,
Where whispers echo through the velvet night,
And stars above, like diamonds bright.

The moon, a silver crescent in the sky,
Paints all around with gentle light, so high,
That creatures stir, their secrets to reveal,
As if by magic, all is real.

So sssshhh, don't make a sound, my dear,
For in this place, we must hold our fears,
Lest they escape, and disappear,
Like mist that vanishes with dawn's cheer.

Here, dreams take flight on gossamer wings,
And fantasies, like fireflies, sing,
Their melodies, a symphony divine,
That fills the heart with joy and shrine.

So let us linger, in this mystic land,
Where silence reigns, and love demands,
Our footsteps soft, as snow in winter's grasp,
For here, the magic of the night will last.
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