

I flew 21 hours on a flight,
Thinking i was going to be alright.
New country, new city and the same fight.

The food was pathetic, but the sky was lit,
The seats were smaller than my ambitions could ever fit.

With me were 2 suitcases and 5kgs of rice.
No one to cook for, No one to share with, only me and my bag full of spice.

Hit the roads looking for someone with pretty eyes.
Searched all alone on the high towers of desire.

Found a broken bottle on the roads of despair.
Written on the walls were the word " Choices".
Just below it were pair of empty chair.

To sit or to keep on moving was the question.
To find peace, to find a life to be proud of was the answer.

All the trouble, every bit of it, was absolutely worth it.
It was time to move on, it was time to choose.

It is what it is.
© P.S