

Night Changes
What an amazing night !!
Clouds in this starless sky,
reminds me the darkness of life.
When first drop of rain touched
my cheek , feels like my last tear .
when moisturised breeze waves my hair
tryna acting to hide my eyes of weeps.

The changes in color of sky,
keeps on sending me state of life
that defines " Nothing is permanent "
like a dark night turning
everyday to a beautiful dawn.
What a magic right ?

Like an illusion .
Minutes dissolving to a dream ,
Trying to holding up this moment
that counting down endlessly
without hesitation .

Getting older everyday ,
may be wiser to say or not .
thinking of that reminds
the days that I lost in suffers.
am I a loser to
give up those moments in
dark densed clouds
that only rains hurts ?

In this changing nights ,
I even have an companion
who is living like me .
Like the one who
fades and grows .
Too high for us to talk,
but we exchange our shines
and our breaks.

Some day the ceiling of room
become the sky of my world ,
the machine with wings winds
with the same breeze of rain.
witnessed my scars hiddenly
that I emitted in mirrors.
But again the other day
the same mirror
unreluctantly show my smiles
saying the fastness of
changes in life's forecast.

It's absurd ,
but none seems to see
these disappearing minutes ,
yet resuming our hardness
in this varying path.
Life goes on with these nights
and bright sunshines,
with its rhythm went like
" Go on with likenesses
that drives your night with smiles
with no regrets "

In the end ,
go at least with ,
no new regrets .
Just hold the old ones
that already faded in your smiles
that you shared with the sky .
wake up like the next
dawn that gives new renewed you..

© ms_sillypen