

My old pictures
"My old pictures"

Today I looked at
some of my old

Aa soon as
I saw it,

I felt as my
pictures was
talking to me,

slowly slowly
my pictures
seems to be
to me,

Then suddenly
everything went
into flashback,

Maybe those
pictures were
asking me to
compare my past
and my present,

Maybe those
pictures were
showing me a
mix of virtual
and reality
phases of
my life,

Yes, my
pictures were
talking to me,

My pictures
were making
a difference to me,

It was explaining
to me that when
you are happy
from the heart
how unique is
the glow
on your face,

And when you
want to show
that you are
happy by
decorating your
face with
a false mask,

Today I relived
some of my
old moments
with some of
my old pictures,

Today I looked
at some of my
old pictures,

And my pictures
were talking to me,

Yes, my pictures
were talking to me,,.

© Shama writes ✍️

#writcopoem #feelingslife #flashback #relivedwitholdmemories #myoldpictures #virtualorreality