

Love Isnt For Us😏💔
Its just not for us.😏💔
Oh love isnt for us.
We had the hope to find love and such things that were stable.
In search we went
Not realizing the energy and pull used betrayed our idea.
Sunken, tired and some led wayward took to the path of lust.
Fulfilling their carnal nature.
But we that marched onward,
we gained nothing.
Failing,we sought out friendship to be the real deal.
Just for time,passion and inward nature to prove us wrong.
Nothingness and futile was it.
Down and pained, it then dawned on us
we had all this already
All packaged discreetly in our families..
but our desperate need...was ''but in who else? ''
We realized, no one just no one.
Some claim they found it...we just looked on.
for us we know it isnt for us.
Love just isnt for us.😏💔
© Mind of Okyere