

Shadows of night and break of day
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way into the bright and beautiful day , for the light will always guide your way,and tomorrow will
be left in the past as we go into the next day, but remember the shadows are important as well, if it wasn't for them
we wouldn't know the day,if not for dark, we wouldn't know the light, if not for sorrow,we wouldn't know
happiness, so as the day turns into night and the shadows come out to play,think to yourself I can't wait for the light of day,watching as the sun rises
in the morning sky, seeing the beautiful
rise as well as the sun, I sit and think
to myself I'm blessed to see night and day,and know in my heart there are doors always open to take us on our path, just make sure you know the door
is sent from God himself to help to
guide you along the way!

© Kimmy Bain