

To my Lady

I'm no Ludwig van Beethoven
to compose a masterpiece for you.
I'm no william Shakespeare
to write you a sonnet..
I'm just a young country boy
making melody for the moment
A zealous and stubborn mind
who only dreams of a happy world.
I'm no happy prince
to built you a castle
Nor am I a superhero with a cap and mask
Superman got nothing on me
I'm just a simple soul
living for the moment and today
I'm no one,
I'm nobody,
All that I've got is an ink and a quill
to write you a symphony
Weaving each lines and verse meticulously and delicately
So that they ever remain safe in your bosom
And as I dedicate each lines and verse to you my lady
I wish you ever remain a happy lines in my poetry

© thepurplefeathers