

Creativity Can Be An Escape!
Creativity can be an escape.
So many people are out there suffering.
They lose track of the positive perspectives.
Turning to drugs and alcohol.
Seeking a solution, an exit and a way to cope.
Feeling like hope is only a mirage, a trick played by the imagination.
Soon complications arise.
Before they know it, they feel like they can't survive.
As long as I have the capability to move, To awake in the morning, To find my groove, and the ability to use my brain I can make it through.
Don't go insane overthinking.
Even pain can be a learning point.
Life is filled with ups and downs.
Sometimes we can be at the top of the world while other times we are the clowns.
Keep your eyes turned to the skies, Don't look down and keep moving straight ahead.
Life isn't over until we're dead.
Creativity can be an escape!

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!