

It's A Star Birthday 🎉
The first day of the year
brought the first air I ever breathe
to my tiny nostrils, causing a loud yell.
My little cry reached every ear,
Saved mother from the gnaws of death,
Brought smiles to every face present.

On the first day of the year,
A Star was birthed to the world.
I'm sure someone must have said to mum:
'Your Star will always be the best and first'
For how can it be explained that right from creche
This Star always bags a load of position firsts?

I pray this year brings a heavier load of position first not only in the academia spheres but in all spheres of life.

Thank you Lord for where You brought this Star from,
Where You've brought her to,
And where You're taking her to.

Father, let this year be a more fruitful year,
A year filled with only love and care,
Smiles and laughter with no drop of tears. (Amen)

Day: 014/100

© AM Odunayo