

Underwater Breath.
Below me the crashing waves sweep the glistening sands from the shore.
The beautiful blue the same shade of my emotional seas.
The silver moonlight like a piercing reminder of the final moments.
Moments I count like the stars of the night sky.
I take my first step into oblivion.
The warmth of the flowing blue sending paradoxical chills down my spine.
My limbs part and wrestle the seas like a warrior in battle, facing foes with metal swords and metal armours, but stands before them with naught but a wooden stick.
I fight for the essence I seemed to give willingly.
The life in my lungs becomes my undoing.
It chokes me from the inside out, blurring my already foggy sight and taking strength from my limbs.
I realize I am fighting a loosing battle against the strong forces of the emotional blues.
I give in to the temptation the sea creatures give me.
I take my first underwater breath.
© Ema(Mae)