

Long is not ideal...
You wish to forget
All those who've wronged you earlier
Perhaps, they are here to stay longer
Than your life
Here on Earth...
Long life is a blessing indeed!
Who said my dear?
Ask the man who is in terrible pain
Unbearable would be the right word
And still can't die for he is an immortal
Not all immortals are happy
Ashwatthama is an immortal!

'Long life' is a common blessing...
Adults put in ours' share...their hands on our heads, blessing us...
But who knows what's hidden in where?

Long life: A warm blessing or a disguised curse?
For s/he is here to stay more than usual...
And take in all, what's in her/his share...
Not everything will be pleasing enough
In a long life
You've to continuously keep an account
Of your work...
You've to purge or else die multiple deaths
In the hands of players
Before the actual curtains fall
Over your illusions...

You're an individual
Whose spirit longs to join above...

© Bikramjit Sen