

Hard decision
It's one thing to picture and another to see the image come to life in a world filled up with selfish lies,
my sadness is hidden with a disguise.
I'm literally tired of this life,
I'm just doing all these to strife.
Don't want to deal with all the torment,
I just need a moment,
to see my vision,
and finally make the big decision.
Am I going back,
but then I would be off the track.
I just lack braveness,
all they see is my weakness.
I'm scared of what's next in this sequence.
I see brightness,
Ohh no,
it's just another picture painted with pain,
and my hope going down the drain.
No time to weep, so clean those tears,
seems I got a shoulder to lean on without fears.
But how long would it last,
a minute or enternity.
© jess