

Where is that continent,
Which was dark,
But beautiful,
With ceaselessly flowing rivers,
With homes covered by labyrinth

Where is that continent,
Once friendly with nature,
Full of admirable culture,
With extensive fields,
Full of organic foods

Where is that continent,
Where morality was embraced,
Where homosexuality never existed,
A continent that upheld ethics,
Without civilization and religion

Those people,
Dressed like butterflies,
Sailing in ships,
Some carrying Christianity,
Others carrying slave trade,
Unleashed darkness to the dark continent

'We went to their church. Mubia, in white robes opened the Bible. He said: Let us kneel down to pray. We knelt down. Mubia said: "Let us shut our eyes." We did. You know, his remained open so that he could read the word. When we opened our eyes our land was gone and the sword of flames stood on guard. As for Mubia, he went on reading the word, beseeching us to lay our treasure in heaven where no
moth would corrupt them. But he laid his on earth, our earth'

Ngugi Wa Thiong'o; A grain of Wheat
© Julius