

goddess gaia
Goddess gaia.

Beneath your holy feet, the nature bloom,
Within your voice the air stirs in a calm tune.
Your eyes glows with the mystic’s oceans deep,
Holding the secrets that the mountains keep.

your skin adorned in the shades of the earth,
A tapestry of flora & fauna, a miraculous birth.
Majestic vast mountains, deep rivers that flow,
In your presence, life grows with a radiant glow.

Your hair are the filaments of night and day,
with twilight's music, they gently sing & sway.
A crown of flowers jeweled upon your brow,
the gift sacred of love for the world you bestow.

You breathes life into each & every living being,
From smallest bud to the largest sentient thing.
Your simple touch, a healer of soothing hand,
for your embrace of warmth, all beings demand.

Oh, Gaia, our goddess of the vast earth & sky,
In the shade of your grace, all the spirits purify.
A guardian, a giver, a glorious star purple of light,
Guiding us in the day & shielding us in the night.

These words are to honor of your presence by sincere,
Goddess Gaia, in my heart you are adorned forever.
© augustin