

In Which I Say A Simple Prayer (simplicity)(the series)
Dear God,
This is the simple prayer of a saddened heart.
The tired prayer of a burdened soul.
This is a simple request from shaking lips as tears fall from my darkening eyes.

Do you remember my childhood prayers?
The ones I said while kneeling beside my grandfather as he said prayers I couldn't comprehend.
I cannot remember them.

Have you forgetten the pleas of my weeping mother?
The ones she said while she clutched tightly unto her hungry offspring.
I cannot remember them.

Can you not recall my father's requests?
The ones he made as he searched in the rocky soils for a place to plant.
I cannot remember them.

Surely my sister's burdens you didn't forgo, did you?
She carried them on barely old enough shoulders, as she clutched my hand tightly.
I cannot remember them.

I cannot remember Lord, but the books say you do not forget.
How then can you remember and our prayers remain without answers?
Do we pray amiss?
Or do we not pray enough?

I haven't prayed for a long time, but I swear my mother cries in your name as consistently as the sun.
And my father digs in your name as diligently as the rain.
My sister never forgets as mindfully as time.

Please Father, I may lack the grace of abundance you have granted your people and I may therefore toil a little harder to earn my wage.
But father, look upon my family and grant in abundance the desires of their earnest hearts.
For they are more deserving than most.

© Ema(Mae)