

Black Discrimination
At times I can't help but wonder...
Where did we go wrong?
Who did we wrong?
What did we do wrong?
Everyday is a mystery
As the tales of black history
Shines it's light
Upon our plight.
What's so wrong with beautiful black skin?
You'd think it's all in the past
And that things are now a blast
But then, how long does it last?
And through the smiles
The embers of hate, scorn and malice
Flicker loud enough to drive one insane.
My heart aches.
But as the day breaks
I find new hope;
For now we cope.
But soon,
Our voices will be heard,
As well as the chants of our hearts,
"No longer will we be held down
because of our colour of skin,
Because black is beautiful and we belong.
No longer to be abused,
We stand as one against the nation,
To burn the pages of black discrimination."
© inconspicuous_