

I saw it coming.
I knew all the words to a beautiful song in disguise.
It's lyrics would leave me in the dark but I wanted to try and so I did.

I thought I could handle the low notes.
I would  train myself to master the high notes.
So I sang with everything I had in me. I sang with my soul on the tip of my tongue.... but then realized... this tune was not meant to be sung.

So when you asked me to sing... I froze.... then I refused.  My thoughts were congested but my yearning for your voice was crystal clear.
I thought maybe just maybe I might hear something more than the reserved, grounded side of your solo....but without the song.
Now I know...
Now I wish...
Now I regret ...
I ever sang with you.

We sit years later...apart.. on this dreary night....us  both sharing  nothing but  pain and heartache.

Together, the song we sang destroyed something...
but now ...
we will never know what.
© LAURA Hadges