

What is God?
What is God
The person i was told about
Who created the trees and the logs
Night and day
The sea and bay
And the place where I lay
But if God is a man in the sky
Then why were so many taken before their time
Or was it
But why would god take so many innocent children's lives
Faithful or not they deserve a chance to try
And maybe they'll sin
Or create a next of kin
And maybe they'll still lose
But now they have a higher chance to win

Is god something unimaginable to the human eye
And not a person with all control
But we still have to pay a toll
What's even true after all the lies
Is it even possible to break free
from all things they told me

Is there even somthing out there
That created the bears and those with secret lairs
Because why would the world be the way it is today
With something there to help it sway
And keep it from going into disarray
Why do I pray
If the people I love will still go away
Too soon before I can look into their eyes
And say goodbye

Or does it even matter
We're only here for a small blip in time
What's the point of trying
If everyone just keeps lying
No matter what anyone says
Someone won't believe them
So maybe I should just let it be
And stop trying to find a key
And maybe start finding me
And what I believe

© Logan Saltsman