

On (Not) Staying Silent
Somethings shouldn't be said
But some should be screamed out loud.
To know which is which
Makes you stand out from the crowd.

The people live by the extremes,
They'd say nothing or they'd say it all.
Either is not an ideal deed,
Either could lead you to your fall.

People who blurt out everything
Are too shallow to hold their worth.
No one pays them any heed,
They are used for general mirth.

People who don't say anything,
Are too deep to escape their head.
They're always taken for granted,
And their needs are seldom fed.

People who know when to speak,
Once were part of the crowd too
But they learnt from their mistakes,
Moved apart and started anew.

#words #Silence #SpeakUp #rhymes #poetrycommunity #poem #trq