

Adore Him...
He is a starry night with everlasting beauty.
Oh! His mesmerizing eyes, brown and bold,
has a whole galaxy,
where every star shines so luminously,
where everyone could lost their reality,
where everyone wants to swim until they found home.

Coral is his lips, Rainbow is his smile,
which dazzles and petrifies even the skies,
which illuminates even the darkest of oceans.

Clouds are his hairs, so soft and lovely
That strand of his hair on his face,
so majestic than the rings of Saturn.
Is he real? May be a hologram.
The golden man, a treasure he is,
Too hot to look at,
A summer he is, a bright sunshine his smile is.

Oh, His silk like singing, could pierce my heart,
Takes me to the edge of the universe,
makes me touch every atom of the farthest star.

What can I say?
He can make a thousand nightingales jealous,
for he has the most musical laugh ever!
Oh, what can I say?
He can make the stars resentful,
for he is loved and adored by the heaven itself.

© SwethaAlugolu