

Doors of Yore
All the time,
I get a feeling in chime.
Our first lifetime
together, that golden time.
A thousand years back longtime.
I imagine this every time,
how we must have met first time?
A moment so sublime and prime.

We certainly have met before
or, I can't think of any other reason for
the magnetic pull I feel for
you, which oars
towards you more and more.

You shook me from the core.
I started knowing about myself more.
My curiosity to explore
increased to open the doors of yore.

By each day,
I am becoming a better person in many ways.
We are still halfway
on our journey to the gateway
of blissfulness in its own way.

You come and move away.
I feel castaway
but I know, I can't claim you anyway.
I feel like running away
and not face you someway.
I will pull away
but before that day
I want to convey
that, you sway me and slay
in many ways everyday!!!

© Kshitija D.

#pastlifememory #loveofages