

Hard to forget....
It's hard to forget someone that gives you so much to remember
I thought I will have my Cinderella story or my true love's kiss
It burns my soul seeing her flirting with you
I wish you could hold me tight all through the night
But again my dreams are over
I remember those times when you smiled at me
You taught me to believe in love
But now what's the point in believing
I don't think I can love someone as much as I loved you
My heart is torn into pieces and I can't let go off you
'Just give him up' my mind says
But my heart keeps saying 'no'
I don't know what hurts,
Watching you talk to her
Or being afraid to tell you how I feel
I don't know what my heart wants
All I know is it's hard to forget
I have been so afraid to tell you how I feel
But now there is no room for thinking
There is only room for goodbye...
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