

I wish there was a hospital
Just for first borns.
They would be given special treatments
and care at birth.
They would enjoy life in it's
Brightest form before.......... .

I wish there was a nursery
Just for first borns.
They would be cherished and
Prepared for what's to come.
They would sing and dance,
enjoy peace before........... .

I wish there was a school
just for first borns.
They would be taught about life.
They would learn at a pace designed
for baggage carriers.
Load carriers deserve
instructions for........... .

I wish there was a heaven
Just for first borns.
They would be rewarded for
everything they did.
Being Deputy Parents, and
living half of their lives for others.
Understanding sacrifice and
Instilling discipline.

Oh what a heaven it'll be, a heaven just for the prime.
© maponda.r