

Breaking The Chain
Hello! This is one of my first time posting here. I will have 5 years of sobriety on December 22. I just wanted to share a poem I wrote that is based on my life.

At sixteen I was a runaway, didn't care about that day or another day. Only thing on my mind was to get away. Was getting into trouble living like a rebel. Never chasin the devil but he found me. Paralyzed to feelings he devoured me. Absent from reality I couldn't think. My mind was filled with darkness and he broke me free. In a way where my conscience was diminishing. Surviving everyday just to die inside. He stayed on my mind, I was hypnotized. I was a dysfunctional member of society.

Even though the devil stole my identity. I prayed every day for my sanity. To help me find a way to defeat the beast.
Until I found the courage to break free. I fought everyday to regain my life. Drowning in the evil sound I had to take him out. Surrendered all that I am to the higher Man. During the struggle I remembered that He has a Plan, I am now released from that sad disease. I once belived I could never be, I thought my life would be nothing but suffering. Until I cleaned my soul through recovery. I found purpose and I found meaning. My daughters and family will be so proud of me. I broke the chain and I will remain, one of God's servers to aid those who are still in pain.
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