

I love where i belong
The place i want to stay for long
The place of Happiness

Years ago i missed my path
But i break forth to find my path
Years ago i dwelled in sadness
But now am in the midst of joy

Years ago i missed my way
Where i was consumed with anger
I find solace in sorrow
Now my solace is in Happiness

Years ago i lived in frustration
Now frustration flee away
Am now living in comfort
I have found my way

I have found my way
I have found my home
I've meet with my missed path
Years ago i was living;
with Sorrow and frustration

I saw the colorful sun again
I am filled with the scent again
I saw the praising tree

The children are swinging and singing
I've found my way
My Joy is with me again
My happiness lie with me again

I saw the Young girl
With her violin in her
She was playing delightfully
With her bird choir
I was deep inside the aerobeal choir

When the sun went to sleep
Nature lighted the night with flowers
The dinner bell rang
The meal was Enticing
I went to bed with comfort
Waking up to meet the colored sun
Am home again
I reside with my Lover
Her name is Nature

© Visionary