

The Paraguay Princess
Though love stories abound about a woman
Whose attributes are fair nay without compare
But, I dare they will pale when compared to this fable

In a far away land locked between two seas
Where the lapacho trees grow strong and its rosado trumpets announce "esta belleze!"
Long tailed Potoo's show to squak
our beauties name if you wish to listen
Care-free people you meet in the streets will greet you in the tongue of Guaraní
Its not money they will ask for but will convey the of lore of their legendary princess and access your worth to win her

You see a Latin woman exists that cannot be compared to no other
Locked in a fortress so tight that you wouldn't be wrong to even know of her existance
Exiled by her own hand to right the nations wrongs and injustice
She waits for a man that can withstand what her character demands and take up the mantle
A man without respite that would rescue her this very night and wisk her away to her destiny

In the year 1603 A wayward traveller from a European coast took host in a small town posted where modern Paraguay is situated today
When the villagers filled his ears of this local fable of a princess that appears out of a mist waiting for true love's kiss he was immediately inspired with desire to know more so he did implore more from the village priest for whom he was told was the only one to have actually seen her

The priest goes on to tell him they aren't wrong about her beauty
He described her glowing green eyes filled with a thousand nights of starlight
and her piercing stare that can peer into your soul and entrap you
Flaxen hair so fair the wind would shutter to disturb it and a complexion with no snare that could make the whitest of doves blush in recognition of her fashion

The local women chimed in and to much chagrin and jealousy from within we all know of her existance
But what good are we when compared to such perfection
Twas better not to speak and fake like we were asleep when our princess came topic of discussion
We'd rather she leave so she would not impede our men's minds by such a vision
We hope this stranger takes her far away from our shores to return nevermore
So we can have the men's minds focused on their labors

The stranger inquired with curiosity peaked where can I find this ençhanted beauty you speak? For it is my intent to woo her
The priest laughed out loud it does not work that way for she will find you my brother
With putiry in you heart and good intentions from the start it will attract our majesty to your location
For she does not live in a time or place but waiting outside in a limbo state
But if the timing is right you may just get a sight of our princess looking outside her window

A young boy stepped up with a hesitant heart admidst the mass congregation
I have seen the princess more often than thrice down in the valley at night just when the clock hands stood fully erected
At the base of Mt. Illimani a distortion occurred that allowed me to see her castle
The priest doesn't lie her beauty is undenied but her sadness was also apparent.
You see i could make out a tear in her eyes and a look of such lonliness.
I felt sorry for her and picked up some blue passion flower to gift her.
But before i could blink her highness was gone without a trace or disturbance

The local women cried what tomfollery is this? We are much amiss that she would appear to just a child
Why does she not appear to us women?

The priest interjected
Ladies it is your forked tounge that prevents it
Your thievery, your lies, your passionate cries when you tell the men folk you are "but a virgin".
Take Pepeto here of only his 12th year he has never lied that I know of
He need not come to church or at least sit down with me and confess for his absense of sin which is apparent
It is the purity of his heart that attracts our princess to his presence

Well stranger the hour is nigh and...