

The Only Place Zero Can Be Truly Found
It baffles me how we can be deceived to thinking there are such things as zeros.
Oh, the troubles that I see coming from the belief of society in the power of zero is indescribable.
For humans to make up such a thing in pursuit of thinking right, is beyond me; as I cannot find one zero, just the horror it causes all around.
For "how many is there" does not set the presidency assuming to compass the eternal whole.
Because, truly the truth does confess that we will still have something that takes the place of the place of one when having one and it is taken away.
And so, to truly understand some of the sciences of life, the concept of zero has to be set aside to see the mysterious handworks of the Most High.
So, do not be deceived through the over thinking of the concepts of humans reasoning, to not see the only place zero can truly be found, is in the minds of those that believe in what it means, not the universe, sky, or ground.
© Brother Stephen Scottt