

No Crowds?
I don't belong,
when I shop alone is easy to get along,
but my heartaches,
my brains hears to many colors in groups it make me dizy,
plus instilled fear of my own gender makes their mental input around me anxiously quizy,
I belong alone to myself and plutonicaly to love,
But craving to feel inlove,
I'll drink and smoke it away though,
I'll sober up and easily distract myself with smaller goals in the day to get through,
I feel content alone but want a family to home,
I feel distracted and anxious in the prescence of many and need few to have in need to come,
I should want love they say,
I am coy womenly feline ferocity I see,
I fear you and for you,
I hide for me and you
© Carly S. Rhymes