

The nature from my window
In my motherland there was village.
once upon a time I had been to village.
In my village home I used to open big window.
huge mountain,big long trees,vast landscape,green grass,shinny sky and beautiful scenery.
oh I cant explain how to express nature from my window.

Its been hard to leave the window and close it at night.
but every morning i used to open my big window to see and grab all Beauty of my motherland village.

Last year I can't tell how the weather was.
one night earthquake broke my big window and shattered my shelter.

I know mother Nature is being kind to us but she can not take each and every bad thing of human mind.

plastic manufacturing company was seting up there and all villagers had to moved from there houses.

Glittered eyes were teared once twice and thrice for a day long.

Yes it was nature from my window.

© prachirav