

monotony of life (part 1)
The rain murmured through the cemented roofs making the people sleeping dream a bit sweeter. The cold breeze of the morning air arrested all Belle’s capability to finally rise. She was clutching her blanket, feeling the security and warmth it brought her. The rain mellowed down, she could hear the busy street outside of her house. Vegetable vendors lined up the road, enticing the early risers and joggers to buy some of their produce. Belle was used to the noise outside. She didn’t mind, but she hated waking up too early in the morning every single day especially in a weather like this. She was still hooked in the softness of the mattress and her comfortable pillow. But, she needed to work. The store was not going to tend itself.

She begun her day with a quick shower. Boiled some water for her coffee and placed it in a thermo regulated bottle water. Before quarter to five am hit, she was already opening the store. It was like that every day. On her own, she carried some heavy boxes and plastic crates of her merchandise for display. Next she’d pour four containers each containing seventeen kilos of cooking oil into smaller bottles, after the oil would be the vinegar. She was getting tired of her life. The repetition of it was draining her. There was not much rest, even on Sundays she remained open. There was always a lot to do. She would repack a whole sack of sugar, cornstarch, flour, and other basic necessities and sell them per half kilo to the people. Even during sickness, she had no choice but to tend the store. It was like that every day. She’d be so busy that there wasn’t much time to talk to her neighbors. Although there’d be some occasional exchanges of smiles and commenting about prices going up, but that was it. Belle was worn out. Although she was still able to smile seeing her earnings at the end of the day. But it was tiring. She needed help. She would hire someone, only if she could afford it. But, taxes, rentals, permits, electricity, and of course the store had to keep running. There wasn’t much money left for her to be able to hire help.

Belle closed the store at 6pm. She’d carry back the heavy displays inside the store. It would usually take her 20-30 minutes. The day would be soon over for Belle. She was always walking home while admiring the colors of the sky during sunset. Before 7pm, she had already reached her house. Her house was not big, but it was made of concrete. It was strong and had stood too many storms. She’d take a warm shower, ate her dinner, and finally took her rest. She would read a book to entertain herself. Hoping that it would drown her repetitive life. It terrified her, caused her worry and anxiety knowing her life had become a routine. Her life reminded her of the movie “Groundhog Day”, where everything was the same. She kept repeating it again and again and again. At times, ending it had crossed her mind. For her, her life never mattered at all. She was a mere background in her own life story. She was no heroine. At 9pm, she had dozed of and tomorrow would be a call of a new day, but just the same.

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