

The Soul's Abyss

The Soul's Abyss

I had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the soul. As a theologian, I had spent years studying the ancient texts, seeking answers to the questions that haunted me. But nothing could have prepared me for the horror that awaited me in the depths of the abyss.

It started with a strange dream, a vision of a soul being torn from its body, screaming in agony as it was dragged down into the darkness. I awoke with a start, my heart racing, and tried to shake off the feeling of dread that lingered long after I woke.

But the dreams persisted, growing more vivid and more real with each passing night. I began to feel like I was being pulled down into the abyss myself, my soul screaming in terror as I fell.

And then, one fateful evening, I awoke to find myself trapped in the abyss. My soul was suspended above my body, writhing in agony as it was pulled downward, deeper into the darkness.

The presence spoke in a voice that was both ancient and evil, its words echoing in my mind. "You have been chosen to join the legion of the damned. Your soul will be the newest addition to our eternal torment."

As I screamed, my soul was yanked downward, pulled into the abyss. I was consumed by an eternal darkness, my consciousness trapped in a realm of unending terror.

And then, I saw them. The souls of the damned, trapped in the abyss, their screams echoing through the darkness. I was one of them now, forever trapped in the horrors that lurked beyond the veil of sanity.

The last thing I remembered was the sound of my own soul screaming, echoing through the abyss, as I was consumed by the eternal darkness.


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