

To Be Continued. . . pt. 2
The agent stepped into the shadows of the dark quickly dodging the beams of light from the helicopter above.

In the distance was a dock with a submarine waiting within scant view. Skillfully the agent blended in with the shadows making his way to the dock.

Suddenly he stopped checking for patrols on the ground two men with flashlights were in the far distance.

Silently he slipped of of their views and dived into the submarine with his partner shutting the lid.

"Did you get back our package?" asked his partner. "Yes" replied the agent. "Then I'll call G.R.A.S.P."

"What's the next mission" asked the agent "I'm tired of eating Chinese Noodles"

"Brooklyn, NY" replied his partner. "Then off we go, Shanghai isn't really my type anyway" said the agent.

"At the speed were traveling we'll reach around the 25th of April. since we need at least thirty days to get there."
"Then lets move out now"said the agent.

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